Prepare Enrich

Prepare Enrich Facilitator Training

 Prepare/Enrich enables relationship coaches/counselors/therapists, adoption workers, foster care workers and ministers/pastors/chaplains along with leaders in faith communities and government agencies, to quickly and objectively gain a snap shot of a couple’s relationship to inform their work. As a professional, you will benefit from the customized insights and related skill building exercises to help couples enrich and improve their relationship. We also provide workshops for marriage retreats, marriage ministries and groups. 7 CEUs available for additional cost.

Prepare Enrich Facilitators: Kevin & Tosha

Love Story Turned Into Calling

Kevin and Tosha McGirt embody the classic high school sweetheart story. It was love at first sight Kevin explains, “I knew she was going to be my wife the first time I saw her." Tosha adds, "Building a strong friendship was the start of a lifelong love story." They dated through high school and college and got married soon after graduating. They've

been married for 24 years and have two sons ages 17 and 14, as well as two dogs. Kevin has been in the insurance industry for 24 years and has recently opened his own insurance agency. Tosha has worked in mental health for the past 17 years and has also home-schooled their kids. Early on, they realized that a successful marriage needed a strong foundation based on Godly principles. Some of their marital

philosophies include keeping God at the center of their marriage, having effective communication, never going to bed angry, being intentional, and always being willing to compromise. They have been involved in ministry together for over 30 years, serving in worship, kids, and youth ministry, as well as marriage mentoring. They have been members of Covenant Love Church in Fayetteville, NC since 2002. For them, being the hands and feet of Jesus is an essential part of their lives.

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