Women's Group

Women Helping Women.

Every lady needs a lady. Sunflowers Wellness is here to create an atmosphere of support. Each Saturday from 11am to 12pm, we will meet virtually to discuss important areas of our lives such as:

  1. Work-life balance: Discussing how to manage professional and personal life to avoid overwhelm. This will come with tips and strategies from those who have created ways to stay balanced with much.
  2. Personal development: avoiding imposter syndrome.
  3. Financial management; introductory steps to budgeting
  4. Relationships and communication/Assertiveness at work: how to speak up at work.
  5. Health and wellness: Focusing on ways to better your health, discussing the importance of doctor's visits, eating properly, walks, and the like.
  6. Mental health and wellness: tapping into your gifts, exercise, and girl's talk. 

And so much more!!

Register Here

Women's Group Facilitator

Meet Jasmine B. Toles! She is a graduate student in training enrolled in UNCP’s Clinical Mental Health Counseling program with an anticipated graduation of May 2025. She is very passionate compassionate about helping women understand and navigate their emotions. Women's group will be full of innovative ideas that challenge and fulfill you. Alongside CEO DeNotra Winston, Jasmine will help you feel able to speak and learn freely in our women's group!

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